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Short video switching between the two kaleidoscopes
A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.2 min read

CSS Kaleidoscopes


Gradients are so fun, so complex, so powerful. I just can't get enough of messing with them.

Todays post was me wanting to create a kaleidoscope type effect using linear() easing with varied durations for hopefully infinite combinations.

Here's a spiffy preview of some of the combinations:

The demo effects are thanks to linear() and @property.

Each of the demo's has a ton of fun levers to pull in the CSS. Def try changing variables, durations, easings, and more.

It's super fun.

Linear gradient kaleidoscope #

Radial gradient kaleidoscope #

Conic gradient kaleidoscope #

Fork by Nils Riedemann

Fork by Nils Riedemann

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1 mention #

  • developez
  • Paul Kinlan
  • Necrite
  • Daniel Schroeder | aka deadlydog

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