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Screenshot of the devtools grid overlay on top of the demo from this post.
A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.1 min read

Can you feel the rhythm‽


It's much more than vertical rhythm on the web. Flex and grid logical layouts and logical props make the concept of baseline grids an international reality.

Here's the technique in a YouTube Short.

Or try it for yourself, here's the Codepen.

Logical rhythm: ltr #

Looks like regular vertical rhythm here yeah?

Logical rhythm: rtl #

Looks like regular vertical rhythm here too.

Logical rhythm: vertical rtl #

But here! Oh yeah, that's special.

Outro #

CSS let's us authors be lazy and care less. Offering baked in, contextual, and adaptive directionalities via inline and block. Rad.

Mentions #

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  • Reinhard ????????
  • Daniel P H Fox

@argyleink in gonna have to scan these codepens. This is what I’m looking for. Thanks for sharing.

Luke DornyLuke Dorny
Can you put the range input in a fixed container, so it doesn't move while the thumb is being dragged?
Ana TudorAna Tudor

@argyleink With various line-height defs as well ❤️‍????

Looks cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Stephen BellStephen Bell

Crawl the CSS Webring