2019, I proposed an idea to
help remove a ton of boilerplate code from CSS and HTML while also making
stagger effects easier on authors. The proposal ended up being
Fun news! You can try it in Canary today and I've got this little example to help kick off some ideas for you!
Staggering animation #
Instead of inlining a CSS variable for each element:
<div class="parent" style="--sibling-count: 5">
<div style="--sibling-index: 1"></div>
<div style="--sibling-index: 2"></div>
<div style="--sibling-index: 3"></div>
<div style="--sibling-index: 4"></div>
<div style="--sibling-index: 5"></div>
You can use sibling-index()
to retrieve it just in time instead of doing the
work in the template or JS.
Clean that HTML up to make room for sibling-index()
by removing all the inline
<div class="parent">
and then drop in this new magic bomb:
.parent > * {
transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
transition-delay: calc(sibling-index() * 100ms);
and now you have a 100ms
staggered crossfade transition effect 🤓
Staggering color #
There's nothing stopping you from using sibling-index()
to stagger a color
change, or anything else!
Here the hue increments by 50 each element.
.parent > * {
--hue: calc(sibling-index() * 50);
color: oklch(70% 70% var(--hue));
You could easily add a min()
or clamp()
or trig functions to help you too.
Time to experiment #
Share with me what you build! Fork this Codepen