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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.3 min read

9 rad tools in tabs I'm trackin


Tools rule and I've had some in a tab group for a while that I thought would make for a neat share. Maybe you too can share the tools you're trackin 🤓

TextFX #

Not only is the site beautifully designed with excellent uses of color, I love how these are micro AI tools to aid in writing: simile, explode, unexpect, chain, POV, alliteration, acronym, fuse, scene, and unfold.

Emoji Kitchen #

Combine 2 emojies and see a new emoji made.

Animated Emoji #


You've definitely seen these in my slides. I love that they loop, are easy to embed and are easy to resize.

Hueplot #

My favorite color space visualization tool by Alexey Ardov. Above I show LCH with sRGB, p3, and rec2020 gamuts x-rayed so you can see just how many more colors are available in each gamut.

Whocanuse #

Checkout how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments. #

A massive collection of color tools and free SVG generators for gradients, patterns, textures, shapes & backgrounds.

SVGhub #

A library of over 70 custom-color elements ready to paste into your project.

Durves #

Tool for creating and exporting dot patterns for graphic designers, UI/UX, and other visual professionals.

Code Image #

A great tool for sharing a code snippet in a fancy way.

Outro #

Whatchu got in your tabs?

1 mention #

  • David ‮ yensiR
  • Mike Mathew
  • n0madz
  • Chromium for Developers

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@argyleink a lot of stuttering in there
