Test your eye, trust yer guts; be compared.
kerntype, a letter spacing game - by Mark MacKay
Can you kern?

Test your eye, trust yer guts; be compared.
kerntype, a letter spacing game - by Mark MacKay
Can you kern?
Can you kern? nerdy.dev/can-you-kernAdam Argyle
I got 100.. but I can see in the "both" view that there was room for precision ????Adam Argyle
This is awesome. Going to share with my whole team ????Bo Lingen
Yes I kernMike E
@argyleink Keming is my passion!
Vadim Makeev
Can I kern? Sometimes I kern. Othertimes I kernnot.Vale
@argyleink Can I kern? Sometimes I kern. Othertimes I kernnot.
To kern or not to kernAdam Argyle
@argyleink Sry to correct you: The kerntype game (and the others) were made by Mark MacKay e.g. Method of Action
Kristof Zerbe
This is going to be a distraction in all my meetings tomorrow.Cullen Whitmore