New post on DCC about CSS Nesting

New post on DCC about CSS Nesting
I thought this is real text, not a screenshot and I got excited for a sec (using FF) :( Don't play with my heart, Adam!!Stef Nia 🦄
@argyleink "Version 2 will introduce more syntactic sugar and potentially fewer rules to memorize." 👀 this is great to hear!
I honestly hate seeing this in scss: &--header. Such a nightmare to search things when multiple devs are on a project. So glad CSS won’t support it.Mike-麥-Mai/index.html
Why the & is not present for the parent? We voted some time ago to keep the current syntax and not having the sass one... 😔Mattia Astorino
I was about to write a "never nest in CSS" article but seems like there's no need. Good thing about 40% of this article is already pointing why u shouldn't.rafa zero 🏳️🌈🌐