The Chrome Devrel Team is stoked to release our recurring recap of CSS in Chrome; CSS Wrapped 2024.
Here's a preview!
Things to try:
- Make the dino dance
- Find the hamburger
- Toggle light & dark
Gimme gimme! #
Read the announcement post or just go straight to the microsite!
Checkout CSS Wrapped 2023 if you missed it.

Una, Bramus and I teamed up again! We captured everything we helped ship in Chrome this year into a sweetened and condensed site to review. Also, big thanks to Rachel Andrew for content reviews and some writing. And to Barry Pollard, for performance and accessibility reviews.
It's packed with dogfood:
- scroll driven animation
- view transitions
- popovers
- great core web vitals
- Baseline status
- … and much more!
We hope you love it.
But I bet you can't guess who turned "Stan the Offlinosaur" into a skateboarder 😏
What's your favorite feature we added?