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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.

My "Tik Talk" at Smashing Conf went great! Will share the video when it's available.

Until then, here's everyone's favorite picture from the event. They're calling it The CSS Renaissance 🤣

Me in a chair surrounded by interested developers

6 mentions #

  • SmashingConf
  • Marc Thiele

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Smashing Conf (web) in Freiburg: was quite a delight ✅ slide link on my site ✅ video coming soon ⤷
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
Hmm.. still happening? Thx for telling me
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
Strange! I can't reproduce. I wonder if it's a preferred language header issue. I can check logs, but looks more like an edge function issue out of my control
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
I just checked server logs, I don't have any errors reporting.. I'll check with Deno Deploy, seems like it's on their side
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle