I'm fallin behind getting my hands on some #CSS stuff!… Src of my FOMO:
Hella powerful stuff there that I really don't want to let get away from me.
I'm fallin behind getting my hands on some #CSS stuff!… Src of my FOMO:
Hella powerful stuff there that I really don't want to let get away from me.
i hope so! it's still in the Interop efforts and gets commits from Microsoft every week or so (one was made just today) so.. it's not gone stale, but it's delivery date is still unknownAdam Argyle
Last time I started learning the latest CSS changes I literally almost couldn’t code without it. I need to restrain myself until these get mass-adopted!Kyle Smith
@argyleink Hehe, I’m much more interested in CSS features that have been widely supported for a couple of years. There’s no rush to check out all that new stuff.
Šime Vidas
I was recently looking for a way to keep the scroll-anchoring for a GPT-streamed chat window anchored to the bottom so that as the AI types and a new line begins, the user doesn't need to scroll down each time that happens to keep reading. Though, automatically scrolling the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Brandon McConnell 🇺🇦✊
@simevidas werd, def self imposed
Adam Argyle
@jaffathecake `linear()` looks exciting! Could there possibly be a way to piece-wise use some linear portions and portions using other easing functions like `cubic-bezier()` to produce easing like easings.net/#easeInOutBoun… that could have some flat portions and static points, but… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Brandon McConnell 🇺🇦✊
@jh3yy Do you know of a way to achieve this without JS— essentially setting the default scroll position of a box to its bottom-most scroll-point instead of its top-most scroll position?Brandon McConnell 🇺🇦✊
scroll snap can help you, and i think grid layout with align-content end too is another way with snap, make the :last-child scroll-snap-align: end web.dev/snap-after-lay…Adam Argyle
Thanks! From the ylook of the PR, it appeared, you could get close to a bounce effect, but it was essentially a bunch of static points tracing what mostly resembled a bounce easing, but it wasn't "truly" curved. Does this in fact provide access to both, linear points and curves?Brandon McConnell 🇺🇦✊
No it doesn't. But it's not a big deal if you ask me. You can still approximate them. Surely someone will come up with a tool that does just that :)Simon 📎🌸
I mean, subgrid has been in Firefox for years. It's chrome and safari catching up. Not sure how only Chrome benefits here, but yeah. This year we hope to have it everywhere 👍🏻Adam Argyle
Sorry I wasn't clear: I meant I hope there are developers from the Chrome team a part of this too, since it runs in Chromium as well (as Edge does). My wish is more about cross-collaboration often producing highest-quality outcome. Didn't mean any shade. In fact, the opposite.@css@tech.lgbt ☭🌍🌹🕊️🌈🖖
I really liked this, check it out : - anchor() - text-wrap: balance - linear() - view-transition - view-timeline OH My! nerdy.dev/i-cant-keep-up… — Adam Argyle (@argyleink) Mar 3, 2023D7460N