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I'm fallin behind getting my hands on some #CSS stuff!… Src of my FOMO:

Hella powerful stuff there that I really don't want to let get away from me.

25 mentions #

  • Danny Blue
  • Hiboude
  • Oliver
  • Day Mar 🌊
  • Roni Laukkarinen
  • Ryan Mulligan
  • Marcel
  • Alp3n
  • David Leininger
  • Maurício.Kind 🐧🦀
  • Ton トン
  • D7460N
  • fg
  • bartoszholubowicz

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@argyleink Hehe, I’m much more interested in CSS features that have been widely supported for a couple of years. There’s no rush to check out all that new stuff.

Šime VidasŠime Vidas

@simevidas werd, def self imposed

Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle