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Introducing The Nerdy Notebook


February 2018; I wrote my first Observable notebook. I really liked how I could seamlessly provide interactivity and proof for the content I was trying to teach.

June 2024; First working git commit is pushed for a self hosted Observable variant called Framework. 🤘🏻💀 I pounced, been hackin away at it, and am stoked to release it!


The Nerdy Notebook

what is it? #

A place I hope to gradually centralized demo's, snippets, and other stuff I want to share / give you to steal. Watch out for links like this or bigger callouts like this:

Tinker in this notebook!

They'll take you to these new notebook experiences where you can tweak and interact with the things I'm talking about.

You can also find a link in the nav at the top-right-o-this-site. Fast pass to The Nerdy Notebook.

Writing these notebooks is so fun! The Observable team has really made it slick and seamless. Excited to make more of these over 2025.


5 mentions #

  • Jack Iakovenko
  • Rob
  • Заметки разработчика
  • Seb Dancer-Michel
  • Ahmad Shadeed
  • Leanne Renard
  • Kevin Powell
  • Oleg ♔
  • Chris Wachtman
  • Benoit C. ????
  • Stef Walter
  • Fiona Lai
  • Katherine Kato
  • Brecht De Ruyte
  • Vitalii Bobrov ????????????

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Wow,'s Framework makes me wanna throw away my website. Observable by itself is already incredible, but turning it into a (not so static) site generator blows my mind ????
Thilo MaierThilo Maier
???? it's so good Has astro vibes, but with a focus on async blocks and seamless reactive interfacing across them
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
Thanks for sharing and can't wait to see you share more cool stuff with Framework ????
Thilo MaierThilo Maier
add a couple inputs and ranges between some education, so fun!
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
I should make a notebook for this view transitions count up demo that animates individual digits
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle