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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.

Saw this on a skateboard, had to make it in CSS.

background: repeating-linear-gradient(
  to bottom, 
  #000 0px var(--_stripe-size), 
  #fff var(--_stripe-size) var(--_stripe-gap)

Ended up not just being gradient text, but a repeating gradient text effect 🤓

Fun: CSS can repeat a repeating gradient

CSS in a pattern on a pattern

7 mentions #

  • NerdGirlXena
  • Jack Iakovenko
  • nogajun????

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not just gradient text, #CSS repeating gradient text
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
`to bottom` is the default, not needed. First position can be just `0` for both stops. This produces the same result: repeating-linear-gradient(black 0 10px, white 0 20px) For `60deg`, you get jagged edges. The `1px` fix works through.
Ana TudorAna Tudor
It's interesting that as I scroll this on mobile, it also appears to animate though it's either an optical illusion or an artifact of the display trying to keep up
Sia KaramalegosSia Karamalegos
def some sub pixel tricks goin on
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
excellent tips!
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
You’re a wizard!!!
Jon EllwoodJon Ellwood
Trippy! Now make it do this: ????