Animated gradient text is like the poster child of AI right now. Gotta have that animated gradient text sparkle button thingy to be cool.
So here! Steal the recipe.
Animated gradient text is like the poster child of AI right now. Gotta have that animated gradient text sparkle button thingy to be cool.
So here! Steal the recipe.
Putting AI in your product? You're gonna need #CSS gradient text animations (if you want to be cool) So here, a recipe! codepen.io/argyleink/pe... ↪ nerdy.dev/animated-gra...Adam Argyle
@argyleink surprise surprise, it doesn’t work on iOS Safari. ????
Really cool effect when it does work though. ????
Amadeus Maximilian
@amxmln Oh poo, I thought they supported @property now
CSS at-rule: `@property` | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etcAdam Argyle
@argyleink the gradient is animating, so I think that part is working, it’s the text-clipping that is broken (i.e. I see the animated gradient as a rectangle, but not the text). ????
Amadeus Maximilian
@amxmln @argyleink it's the --webkit- prefix on the (now standard) background-clip property
Henry Bley-Vroman
@argyleink what's the motivation for choosing`--webkit-text-fill-color` over `color`
Henry Bley-Vroman
@olets @argyleink yeah removing the prefix seems to do the trick. ????
Amadeus Maximilian
@amxmln @olets fixed! added it again unprefixed, so older browsers still get the effect
tried @supports, but my initial attempts failed
Adam Argyle
@olets last i checked no browser supported transparent text, but does a text-fill-color
Adam Argyle
@amxmln @olets thanks for the help here y'all, this helped me upgrade an old recipe for just gradient text too ❤️
Adam Argyle
@argyleink at least Chrome, FF, and Safari def support `color: transparent`
Henry Bley-Vroman
@olets correct! yay, love it, thanks, i've updated both my codepens to support the prefixed and unprefixed syntaxes in the recipe <3
Adam Argyle
Into the notes app you goJoe
Gradients are so overdone. Time to come up with a new idea.Jon Crowell
Amazing ????Aatif Sohel