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Bad At CSS

Ep #6
New Year, New Resolutions:
A look at me and David's CSS goals for 2024

CSS in 2024 on some grunge texture

6 mentions #

  • Mayank
  • Tamás
  • Daniel Schulz

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@argyleink OPv2 !! ????


@argyleink will there be a changelog of sorts? it would be useful for downstream projects like open-props-scss. i've also been thinking if it would make sense to incorporate OP into ecsstatic ????

really enjoyed the podcast btw. david is really funny, and you two have a great dynamic! ????


@hi_mayank Def a changelog in the new site, I'll have a page dedicated to it ???? hopefully minor. So far it's mostly normalize and js structure changes, but little bits here and there in the CSS.

Thanks for listening! David is awesome, really appreciate that cat.

Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle