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Just as @scope brought selector donut scoping to CSS (thanks Nicole!), so does interactivity: inert; bring donut inertness.

Try it on Codepen 🤘🏻💀
use Canary with web experiments enabled

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#CSS `interactivity: inert` - why call it "donut inertness" - link to a demo
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle
Is that donut the new CSS logo? Because it gets my vote.
Álvaro MontoroÁlvaro Montoro
i tried to get the purple from it on the donut yep lol glad you noticed ❤️
Adam ArgyleAdam Argyle

@argyleink Oh wow I was just looking for something like this the other day:

Basically, I want the behavior of a `dialog` where it makes everything `inert` **except** the dialog's tree (turns out, elements in the top-layer inherit `inert` from the tree where they are declared, so a `popover` will become `inert` if you set it on the body (or any parent of the `popover`)

Roderick Gadellaa (
Roderick GadellaaRoderick Gadellaa

@argyleink Is there anywhere I can track progress of this?

Roderick GadellaaRoderick Gadellaa

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