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A series of images of an avatar doing a bunch of skateboard tricks.

Jason and I "install it" 🤣

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Adam looking at Jason saying the PM is going to be so proud of us

4 mentions #

  • Slab Bulkhead
  • Alexander Lehner, CPACC

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@argyleink @zachleat lol yep you got the reference ????

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@argyleink @sarajw I will be talking with my therapist about this video

Zach Leatherman :11ty:Zach Leatherman :11ty:

@argyleink @sarajw @zachleat the laptop should’ve grown each time you hit install ????

Dave ???? :cursor_pointer:Dave ???? :cursor_pointer:

@argyleink @sarajw @zachleat
666 - To many dependencies.

Gonna rewrite from scratch in Rust…
